Red cells dockable filter

Leukodepletion is a major step to improve transfusion safety thanks to a significant reduction of adverse reactions and pathogen transmissions. Our range of dockable red cells filters has been designed to give you the flexibility to deliver safe and qualitative leukoreduced Red Blood Cells to the most vulnerable patients.
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Giving you the flexibility to fit your processing conditions to better meet your needs


Designed to be used before storage of Red blood cells concentrates

Enables the filtration of a unit of Red blood cells concentrates

Up to 8 hours after collection at room temperature

Up to 3 days after collection at cold temperature

Suitable for filtration of Red blood cells concentrates suspended in CPD/SAGM


Designed to be used after storage of Red blood cells concentrates

Enables the filtration of a unit of Red blood cells concentrates between 3 and 10 days after collection at cold temperature

Suitable for filtration of Red blood cells concentrates suspended in CPDA1 or CPD/SAGM


Compliance with all the AABB and European guidelines parameters for red blood cells concentrate

High blood component recovery > 90%

Soft housing filter for easy & secure handling

Design allowing transparent housing for visual monitoring of filtration


Macopharma is a major global player in the filtration of blood components, with unique know-howand expertise. We have a deep understanding of your requirements and strive to provide you withreliable and robust filters, guaranteeing high performance stability and reproducibility.

This information is for exclusive use of healthcare professionals.
The products are not available in every country, please contact your sales representative.
MACOPHARMA • Rue Lorthiois 59240 Mouvaux France • Tel : + 33 (0) 3 20 11 84 00 • Fax : +33 (0) 3 20 11 84 03
Société par actions simplifiée au Capital de 493.115 € RCS Lille Metropole 391 600 905 • Code APE 4641 Z • TVA FR 313 916 009 05